⚑cNFT Airdrops

Include a cNFT drop in your sale (Solana)

Helio can Airdrop Solana cNFTs to your customers upon purchase, great for receipts, proof of purchase, a discount voucher, an event ticket, a lottery/raffle, a claim to redeem a physical item and more. Airdrops can send multiple cNFTs for customers that buy many items on one paylink. Buy a quantity of say 3 items and 3 cNFTs will be airdropped to the buyer's wallet.

Configure in a few simple steps:

  • Log in to the dashboard, hit CREATE PAYMENT -> Choose your pay flow -> select the "Airdrop NFT" option in Step 1. Complete the other steps to set up your payment

  • Contact Helio support to provide your JPEG and any "meta data" such as collection name and description. The NFT can be an open or limited edition. The Helio team will configure the airdrop and until then, your Pay Link will show as coming soon

  • Once configured by the Helio team (typically within 48 hours), your Pay Link goes live. Buyers purchase and receive the cNFT airdrop instantly

An additional fee is charged for cNFT airdrops.

Last updated