Discord Memberships
Include access to your exclusive community with every sale
Last updated
Include access to your exclusive community with every sale
Last updated
Use the Helio Discord bot to include & assign roles/memberships to your exclusive community with every Helio sale (i.e. receive payment -> assign role). Roles are also auto-removed when subscriptions expire if you use Helio subscriptions.
Before proceeding, please enable developer mode for Discord. This will allow you to see the server, role and user IDs required to setup the Discord bot. See this Discord article on how to achieve this.
Log in to the Helio dashboard, select "Settings" --> "Integrations".
Hit "Authenticate" to allow the Helio bot to be installed via Discord. This authentication will use your Discord administrator credentials in your default browser to approve the installation of the bot for the required server as follows:
Head back to the hel.io/settings and you will notice the Discord section has changed to allow you to enter the relevant IDs. Choose your Server ID and one or more Role IDs and hit "Save Settings".
Return to "Server Settings" -> "Roles" and you should now see the "Helio" role appear:
Select "Helio" to see the following. This is the bot role and should NOT be changed. Note that you can remove the bot in "Server Settings" --> "Integrations" if required.
You MUST move the Helio bot above the roles that you want to assign due to Discord's role hierarchy logic. Drag the Helio role up above the "Helio Access" group as follows
Click CREATE PAYMENT to set up your payment details and pricing options. Select a single payment for one-time access or a subscription access (the role will be removed at the end of the subscription period).
Under Advanced options -> Discord memberships, load and select the roles you wish to assign. Users must sign in with Discord on the Pay Link. To make Discord optional, untick the "require Discord login" box, allowing it as an optional field.
Roles can be assigned in real-time or claimed later. Share the Pay Link anywhere. Buyers automatically receive the role if they’re in your server; otherwise, they can join and claim it later from the Helio dashboard. They'll receive email reminders to claim (untick "E-mail address" if you prefer not to collect or remind buyers). For recurring payments, claims remain valid until the subscription ends.