π³Pricing & fees
Explore Helio's pricing options & fees
Helio is a self-serve platform, it's free to get started and we charge a fee per transaction.
Fees | HelioX | Helio |
Transaction fee | 1% | 2% |
Our standard Terms of Use apply. Subscribe to HelioX by holding 2x HelioX Pass NFTs in any of your LINKED wallets to benefit from the lowest fees. We offer custom pricing for high volume merchants.
Optional features | Fees |
Swaps | 0.25% |
1% | |
0.75% | |
Blinks | 5% |
0.25% |
Pricing options
Choose single or recurring payment
Set your price (in a digital or fiat currency). Enable blockchains & choose the currencies you'd like to receive as payment.
Use "Swaps" to receive your preferred currency, while buyers purchase with any token
Allow users to name their own price (e.g. donations, deposits, etc)
Choose your recipient wallet(s). Payouts are 100% decentralised, meaning Helio never holds custody and funds flow in real-time from buyer to merchant
Enable the Solana blockchain to include debit/credit card payments on checkouts via Helio Wallet
The buyer chooses their network & currency at checkout. Prices are automatically converted. For BTC payments, the minimum is 0.0006 BTC
HelioX Pass
HelioX is the pro version of Helio with the lowest fees and best features. Subscribe by holding 2x HelioX Pass NFTs in any of your linked (but not external) wallets. Purchase your NFTs here.
HelioX Pass benefits
Lower fees -> benefit from half the fees on all transactions
Credit rewards -> our version of loyalty rewards. Simply hold the HelioX Pass in your wallet for the entire quarter to benefit from rewards
Enterprise support -> 24/7 support in Discord, dedicated Telegram and Slack channel (on request) for developer support and unlimited API calls without rate limiting
Multi-chain subscription -> The HelioX subscription applies across connected wallets and supported chains
You can check your live subscription status in the Helio dashboard.
You need to log out of the Dashboard, and log back in after you've purchased your NFT(s) for the subscription to kick in
Last updated