Solana Pay - Shopify plugin

Accept Solana payments in your Shopify store

Integrate Solana Pay into your Shopify store with a few simple clicks. Built on the fastest blockchain and powered by Helio.

  • Accept stablecoins like USDC, PYUSD, EURC & more with built-in conversions

  • Receive real-time payouts anywhere in the world. Enjoy low fees of 0.75%

  • Eliminate disputes. Buyers can’t reverse payments and chargebacks are no more

  • Reward customers with airdrops and token gate access to your store

  • Auto off-ramp crypto earnings to your bank account

Get Started

Navigate to the on the Shopify App Store below and click the “Add app” button.

Log in to the merchant dsahboard and follow a few simple steps.

  1. Complete Business information: follow the KYB steps. Usually this is real-time but it can take up to 48 hours to be verified by our team - if this takes any longer please contact

  2. Terms & Conditions: review and accept the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

  3. Wallet set-up: enter your Solana wallet address to receive payouts. This can be a non-custodial wallet address (e.g. Phantom, Solflare, etc) or a custodial wallet address on an exchange like Coinbase

  4. Activate Solana Pay: select 'Activate Now' -> it takes you to Payment settings within the Shopify Admin settings -> select 'Activate'

Helio login & Advanced options

We create a new Helio account for you requiring a unique wallet address, and you can't link your Solana Pay plug-in to an existing Helio account at the moment.

You can link your Solana Pay plugin to a Helio account for advanced commerce features. Select log-in to Helio dashboard from the merchant tab to benefit from the following features:

  • Deliver a cNFT airdrop upon purchase, great for receipts, proof of purchase, discounts and more. Requires a set up from our operations team

  • Include a Discord memberships with your sales

  • Enable discounted payments with any Solana NFT

  • Use "gated access" to your store payments NFTs or wallet allowlist

  • Settings -> Manage wallets. Link a wallet or create a Helio wallet for direct login to the Helio dashboard, add or changed payout wallet

  • Use the Helio API for webhooks, date exports, reporting and more. This requires you to link a wallet first in Settings -> Manage wallets


  1. Initiate a refund from the Shopify Admin 'Orders' page

  2. Navigate to the Refunds page (log in as needed)

  3. Click the "Approve" button for the refund you wish to process, or deny a refund by clicking the "Deny" button.

  4. Connect any Solana wallet to confirm the transaction.

  5. After a few seconds, the refund will be processed and the order status in Shopify will be updated to reflect that the order has been refunded.

View payments

View all your Shop's crypto payments in the Merchant Portal Payments page . Each payment is associated with a Shopify order and has a status that indicates its progress:

  • Rejected: The payment was not made.

  • Paid: The payment has been detected on the Solana blockchain by us.

  • Completed: The payment has been paid and acknowledged by Shopify. This status update usually occurs within seconds of payment confirmation

Migrating from the old Solana Pay app to the new app

Install the new Solana Pay app and you’ll be prompted to set up a new merchant account. Follow the steps above to enable the app.

Within Shopify Admin → Settings → Payments, you will see two 'Solana Pay' apps. Click on one of the 'Solana Pay' apps, go into More Actions -> Manage:

  • If you see a 'Login to Helio' button on the Merchant page then this is the new app

    • Make sure this app has an 'Active' status next to it in the Shopify admin payment settings

  • If you do not see a 'Login to Helio' button on the Merchant page then this is the old app

    • On the Shopify admin payment settings, click ‘Deactivate’ to remove this app from your checkout

    • You will still be able to access your previous transactions by clicking ‘More actions’ → ‘Manage’

Please export your transaction history before uninstalling the old Solana Pay app


Wallets and payouts?

During onboarding you can specify any Solana wallet address such as a self-custody wallet like Phantom, Solflare, Ledger, or a custodial wallet such as a Coinbase or OKX account. You can change your payout wallet at any time by logging in to the Helio dashboard from the Merchant page. In addition, you're able to "auto-offramp" all your USDC earnings to your bank account via our partner - please contact Helio to configure these settings.

What currencies are supported?

We support 100s of cryptocurrencies and you can allow buyers to make purchases in their favourite token with our built-in swaps functionality (powered by Jupiter). By default, payments are settled in USDC and you can log in to the Helio dashboard from the Merchant page to change this to another currency of your choice.

Does Solana Pay or Helio custody funds?

No, Helio is a technology provider, not a MSB/VASP or money transmitter. We help merchants & creators accept fully decentralised payments (100% DeFi) using the blockchain. All transactions are direct, peer-to-peer payments from the buyer to the merchant. We never take custody of funds and you’ll receive payments instantly in your wallet.

Can my settlement wallet and my refund wallet be different?

Yes, they can be different! To process refunds, you can connect any self-custodial wallet such as Phantom to porthat you transact with. You will not be able to process refunds from a Coinbase account or other custodial wallet. If you are receiving funds to a Coinbase account, then you’ll just need to make sure that when you approve a refund, you are able to send the funds from a self-custodial wallet.

Other info

  • Support: For assistance, email

  • Gas Fees: Helio covers priority gas fees

Last updated