Sell access to your TradingView indicators
Last updated
Sell access to your TradingView indicators
Last updated
Are you a trader who created a custom indicator in TradingView? 📊 Turning your expertise into income is now as easy as a couple of clicks!
Since TradingView lacks a public API, Helio uses cookies to auto-assign indicators to customers. If cookies expire or settings change, update them via the dashboard.
• Right-click on the TradingView page, select Inspect → Application → Cookies.
• Save sessionid and sessionid_sign for integration.
Log in to the Helio dashboard, create a payment, and go to Step 3: Advanced Options to configure TradingView settings.
Enter sessionid and sessionid_sign, then select the indicators to sell.
If the buyer provides a TradingView username at checkout, the indicator(s) are auto-assigned. Otherwise, they can register later and claim access.
Buyers can claim purchased indicators at or the Buyer Dashboard by entering their TradingView user name. Three claim reminder emails are sent to buyers.
If you ever add/remove indicators, Helio is unable to assign these automatically to existing customers. However, you can edit your "Pay Link" and reload indicators to select the correct ones you'd like to sell to new customers.
If your cookie ever expires or becomes invalid (typically after logout or 1 month), you need to log back into TradingView to get a new one and update your cookie settings in Account Settings -> Integrations.