Create Subscriptions via API
Create your Helio Subscriptions programatically
You can also create a Charge via the API for your subscription, where you can pass additional metadata for individual subscriptions using additionalJSON.
Follow the pre-requisite steps to setup our API and get your keys.
Create the Pay Link using your API keys
NOTE: When using the production environment (
, set your API endpoint to
and generate API keys there. For the development environment, use
and generate API keys from
API Endpoint:
HTTP Method:
Required Query Parameters:
?apiKey={{Your public key here}}
Required Headers:
Authorization: Bearer {{Your API Token here}}
Required request body:
"template": "SUBSCRIPTION",
"name": "Your paylink name here",
"price": "1000000", /* price is int64 represented by the base units of each currency, e.g. "price": "1000000" = 1 USDC */
"pricingCurrency": "6340313846e4f91b8abc519b", /* currency ID to price it in - can be a fiat currency */
"features": {
"isSubscription": true
"recipients": [
"walletId": "YOUR_WALLET_ID",
"currencyId": "6340313846e4f91b8abc519b"
"subscriptionDetails": {
"renewalReminders": 3, /* number of daily renewal reminders before subscription cancellation */
"gracePeriod": 2, /* grace period (in days) after subscription expiry */
"annualDiscountBps": 0, /* discount in basis points if the subscription is annual */
"interval": "MONTH" /* set the subscription interval: MONTH or YEAR */
For the full list of Pay Link customisation options, such as Discord gating, split payments, etc., please refer to our full documentation.
Example Query:
curl --location '>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_API_KEY' \
--data '{
"template": "SUBSCRIPTION",
"name": "Your paylink name here",
"price": "1000000",
"pricingCurrency": "6340313846e4f91b8abc519b",
"features": {
"isSubscription": true
"recipients": [
"walletId": "YOUR_WALLET_ID",
"currencyId": "6340313846e4f91b8abc519b"
"subscriptionDetails": {
"renewalReminders": 3,
"gracePeriod": 2,
"annualDiscountBps": 0,
"interval": "MONTH"
From the following example replace: YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY
(and the pricing/recipient currency IDs) with the values you collected in the previous step.
Response body example
"id": "67aca16c445e22c559fc347d",
"platform": "HELIO",
"template": "OTHER",
"disabled": false,
"inactive": false,
"notifySenderByEmail": false,
"notifyReceiverByEmail": false,
"addDiscordRole": false,
"helioPlayProperties": null,
"features": {
"canChangeQuantity": false,
"canChangePrice": false,
"requireQuantityLimits": false,
"requireCountry": false,
"requireEmail": true,
"requireDeliveryAddress": false,
"requireDiscordUsername": false,
"requireDiscordLogin": false,
"requireFullName": false,
"requirePhoneNumber": false,
"requireTwitterUsername": false,
"requireTelegramUsername": false,
"requireProductDetails": false,
"requireMaxTransactions": false,
"requireNftGate": false,
"requireDiscordAuth": false,
"requireAccessCode": false,
"requireXFollow": false,
"requireRaffle": false,
"splitRevenue": false,
"splitEqually": false,
"canSwapTokens": false,
"isHelioPlay": false,
"isTransparentWallet": false,
"nftDropEnabled": false,
"showDiscountCode": false,
"isEscrowed": false,
"requireAllowlist": false,
"requireTradingViewUsername": false,
"allowAffiliate": false,
"requireAirdrop": false,
"isEventEnabled": false,
"enableCountdown": false,
"requireCaptchaValidation": false,
"shouldRedirectOnSuccess": false,
"customThemeEnabled": false,
"isSubscription": true
"name": "Your paylink name here",
"discordAuthDetails": [],
"dynamic": false,
"affiliateDetails": null,
"price": "1000000",
"normalizedPrice": "1000000",
"subscriptionDetails": {
"renewalReminders": 3,
"gracePeriod": 2,
"annualDiscountBps": 0,
"interval": "MONTH"
"content": {},
"creator": {
"id": "667c1f9352919e407156128a",
"userType": "MERCHANT",
"email": "",
"name": "",
"isDisabled": false,
"kycVerified": false,
"platformDetails": {
"platform": "HELIO"
"company": {
"id": "667c1f9352919e407156128c",
"name": "Helio",
"email": "",
"websiteUrl": "",
"discordUsername": "",
"address": "",
"phoneNumber": "",
"escrowFunds": false,
"tradingViewDetails": "66ab698681063452ebd41ba0",
"twitterConfirmed": false,
"kycVerified": false,
"kybVerified": false
"currency": {
"id": "6340313846e4f91b8abc519b",
"name": "USD Coin",
"decimals": 6,
"order": 1,
"mintAddress": "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
"coinMarketCapId": 3408,
"symbol": "USDC",
"symbolPrefix": "$",
"type": "DIGITAL",
"iconUrl": "USDC.svg",
"features": [
"blockchain": {
"id": "6340313846e4f91b8abc515c",
"name": "SOL",
"symbol": "SOL",
"engine": {
"id": "63b6b1200cfb4b3f6131f2b4",
"type": "SOL"
"wallet": {
"id": "667c1f9352919e4071561294",
"name": "",
"publicKey": "7YancRyNQyp9s6G7YNwx9H93UqswoKWqF9GuNJPufyvW",
"btcProperties": null
"recipients": [
"currency": {
"id": "6340313846e4f91b8abc519b",
"name": "USD Coin",
"decimals": 6,
"order": 1,
"mintAddress": "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
"coinMarketCapId": 3408,
"symbol": "USDC",
"symbolPrefix": "$",
"type": "DIGITAL",
"iconUrl": "USDC.svg",
"features": [
"blockchain": {
"id": "6340313846e4f91b8abc515c",
"name": "SOL",
"symbol": "SOL",
"engine": {
"id": "63b6b1200cfb4b3f6131f2b4",
"type": "SOL"
"wallet": {
"id": "667c1f9352919e4071561294",
"name": "",
"publicKey": "7YancRyNQyp9s6G7YNwx9H93UqswoKWqF9GuNJPufyvW",
"btcProperties": null,
"blockchainEngine": {
"id": "63b6b1200cfb4b3f6131f2b4",
"type": "SOL"
"volume": 0,
"sales": "0",
"product": null,
"additionalImages": [],
"additionalImageUrls": [],
"discountCodes": [],
"discordRoleIds": [],
"pricingCurrency": {
"id": "6340313846e4f91b8abc519b",
"name": "USD Coin",
"decimals": 6,
"order": 1,
"mintAddress": "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
"coinMarketCapId": 3408,
"symbol": "USDC",
"symbolPrefix": "$",
"type": "DIGITAL",
"iconUrl": "USDC.svg",
"features": [
"blockchain": {
"id": "6340313846e4f91b8abc515c",
"name": "SOL",
"symbol": "SOL",
"engine": {
"id": "63b6b1200cfb4b3f6131f2b4",
"type": "SOL"
Last updated